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Average Fat/Protein Ratio dividing


  • The ratio of fat over protein in the milk for the last 24hrs. Calculated by dividing the average fat % indication by the average protein % indication.

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Milk visits

  • Milk protein

  • Milk fat


  •  (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% -5% orange, else green.

  • Compare the average with current.


Average Protein Indication %


  • The average % of Protein estimated in the milk. Calculated by the total amount of milk yield for all milk visits multiplied by the indicated Protein percentage as derived by the MQC2, divided by the sum of milk yield for all milkings.

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Milk visits

  • Milk protein


  • Indication of the protein percentage.

  • Protein percentage will be measured by the MQCC2.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red, 2% -5% orange, else green.

  • Compare the average with current.

Additional information

  • Timely calibration will result in more accurate fat measurements from the robot. We advise calibrating the sensors every month and with ration changes.


Average Fat Indication %


  • The average % of fat estimated in the milk. Calculated by the total amount of milk yield for all milk visits multiplied by the indicated fat percentage as derived by the MQC2, divided by the sum of the milk yield for all milkings.

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Milk visits

  • Milk fat


  • Indication of the fat percentage.

  • Fat percentage will be measured by the MQC2.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red, 2% -5% orange, else green.

  • Compare the average with current.

Additional information

  • Timely calibration will result in more accurate fat measurements from the robot. We advise calibrating the sensors every month and with ration changes.


Milk Production Energy Corrected


  • Average milk production (energy corrected).

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Fat

  • Protein


  • Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) is a calculation that factors in three different variables—kg of milk, fat, and protein—allowing producers to better evaluate their herd's productivity and efficiency


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% -5% orange, else green

  • Compare the average with current


Milk Production/Cow/Day (Milk/Cow/Day)


  • The average milk production per day per cow.


  • Total Milk Production divided by the number of lactating cows that had at least one milk visit, including failures, training visits, refusals.

  • Cows which are dried off or leave the farm during the week, will not be part of the calculation.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% - 5% orange, else green.

  • Compare current with average.


  • Not the average of individual milk production.

explain the individual KPIs in detail. This time: Milk Yield KPIs.


Total Amount of Milk Produced (Total Milk Prod.)


  • The total production of milk in the last 24 hours.


  • A sum of milk yield for all milk visits, including failed milkings.

  • The amount is all milk weighed by the Astronaut and includes separation milk and ‘overflow’ from the milk jar. ‘Overflow’ from the milk jar occurs for milkings of > 28 kg, where some of the milk is pumped away during milking.

  • Cows which are dried off or leave the farm in the last 7 days will not be included in the calculation.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% - 5% orange, otherwise green.

  • Compare current with average.


  • Total amount of milk produced is not similar to bulk tank total. The difference can be explained by milk going calves or sewer.

KPIs explained: Milk Yield KPIs

Each KPI is calculated in a different way. To better understand these KPIs, the tables below.




KPI current

Last 24h update 20 min

20 min

KPI Weekly avg.

Last 168h value divided by 7

20 min

KPI trend

Value per day

Shortly after midnight

KPI click through current

Last 24h value

Upon opening

KPI click through average


Upon opening

Reports historic

Value per 24h

Shortly after midnight

Reports today

Last 24h value

Upon opening


Reports and trendlines are updated at midnight, starting at 00:00. The “today” values are calculated when opening. The different refresh intervals make it difficult to compare numbers, as the KPI value may differ from a report value, but between reports, values with the same parameter can also differ slightly.


By clicking through, you get access to more recent data, as calculated when opening the KPI. This allows a deep dive into the specific KPI and ensures that you stay informed about the most up-to-date values.

The first click-through level provides 2 values: the value and the average. The value represents the calculation of the last 24 hours and the average represents the calculation of the last 168 hours (7 days).

If you click through to the second level, new values appear. The value shows the calculation in 24-hour increments, for example if it is 4pm, the values are 4 PM- 4 PM- 4PM. The average (color in dark green) shows the calculation of the last 168 hours (7 days). If indicated in red, there is a deviation from the averages, this threshold differs for each KPI and is explained on the Lely Horizon Help page.

Dashboard KPIs

When you open the Horizon app, you start on the dashboard, which provides a quick snapshot of the current farm’s performance. The dashboard is updated every 20 minutes to show the latest values. A KPI is presented in different ways: as the current value, the weekly average and a trend line. Here is a breakdown of where these values originate:

  • Current value: This indicates the KPIs performance over the past 24 hours since the last update (which is when the dashboard is opened and refreshed every 20 minutes).

  • Weekly average: This indicates the KPIs performance over the past 168 hours (equal to 7 days) since the last update (this is when the dashboard is opened and refreshed every 20 minutes).

  • Trend line: The trend line shows the values of the past 7 days per 24 hours (00: to 00:00), excluding today's value, which reflects the past 24 hours to today (the same as the current value). Keep in mind that updating KPIs starts at 00:00, and then updates each KPI one by one, therefore some KPIs are updated at 00:07 and others are 00:01, but the time interval is always 24 hours, so from 00:07-00:07 or 00:01-00:01.

March 2024

In this article, we will provide an insight into the calculations behind the numbers on the Horizon dashboard with general information about the dashboard itself and elaborate on the Milk Yield parameters that can be found there.

KPI Calculations: the numbers explained
Other articles


Average Fat/Protein Ratio dividing


  • The ratio of fat over protein in the milk for the last 24hrs. Calculated by dividing the average fat % indication by the average protein % indication.

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Milk visits

  • Milk protein

  • Milk fat


  •  (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% -5% orange, else green.

  • Compare the average with current.


Average Protein Indication %


  • The average % of Protein estimated in the milk. Calculated by the total amount of milk yield for all milk visits multiplied by the indicated Protein percentage as derived by the MQC2, divided by the sum of milk yield for all milkings.

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Milk visits

  •  Milk protein


  • Indication of the protein percentage.

  • Protein percentage will be measured by the MQCC2.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red, 2% -5% orange, else green.

  • Compare the average with current.

Additional information

  • Timely calibration will result in more accurate fat measurements from the robot. We advise calibrating the sensors every month and with ration changes.


Average Fat Indication %


  • The average % of fat estimated in the milk. Calculated by the total amount of milk yield for all milk visits multiplied by the indicated fat percentage as derived by the MQC2, divided by the sum of the milk yield for all milkings.

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Milk visits

  • Milk fat


  • Indication of the fat percentage.

  • Fat percentage will be measured by the MQC2.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red, 2% -5% orange, else green.

  • Compare the average with current.

Additional information

  • Timely calibration will result in more accurate fat measurements from the robot. We advise calibrating the sensors every month and with ration changes.


Milk Production Energy Corrected


  • Average milk production (energy corrected).

Related variables

  • Milk yield

  • Fat

  • Protein


  • Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) is a calculation that factors in three different variables—kg of milk, fat, and protein—allowing producers to better evaluate their herd's productivity and efficiency


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% -5% orange, else green

  • Compare the average with current


Milk Production/Cow/Day (Milk/Cow/Day)


  • The average milk production per day per cow.


  • Total Milk Production divided by the number of lactating cows that had at least one milk visit, including failures, training visits, refusals.

  • Cows which are dried off or leave the farm during the week, will not be part of the calculation.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% - 5% orange, else green.

  • Compare current with average.


  • Not the average of individual milk production.

explain the individual KPIs in detail. This time: Milk Yield KPIs.


Total Amount of Milk Produced (Total Milk Prod.)


  • The total production of milk in the last 24 hours.


  • A sum of milk yield for all milk visits, including failed milkings.

  • The amount is all milk weighed by the Astronaut and includes separation milk and ‘overflow’ from the milk jar. ‘Overflow’ from the milk jar occurs for milkings of > 28 kg, where some of the milk is pumped away during milking.

  • Cows which are dried off or leave the farm in the last 7 days will not be included in the calculation.


  • (-) if deviation is higher than 5% then red,  2% - 5% orange, otherwise green.

  • Compare current with average.


  • Total amount of milk produced is not similar to bulk tank total. The difference can be explained by milk going calves or sewer.

KPIs explained: Milk Yield KPIs

Each KPI is calculated in a different way. To better understand these KPIs, the tables below.




KPI current

Last 24h update 20 min

20 min

KPI Weekly avg.

Last 168h value divided by 7

20 min

KPI trend

Value per day

Shortly after midnight

KPI click through current

Last 24h value

Upon opening

KPI click through average


Upon opening

Reports historic

Value per 24h

Shortly after midnight

Reports today

Last 24h value

Upon opening


Reports and trendlines are updated at midnight, starting at 00:00. The “today” values are calculated when opening. The different refresh intervals make it difficult to compare numbers, as the KPI value may differ from a report value, but between reports, values with the same parameter can also differ slightly.


By clicking through, you get access to more recent data, as calculated when opening the KPI. This allows a deep dive into the specific KPI and ensures that you stay informed about the most up-to-date values.

The first click-through level provides 2 values: the value and the average. The value represents the calculation of the last 24 hours and the average represents the calculation of the last 168 hours (7 days).

If you click through to the second level, new values appear. The value shows the calculation in 24-hour increments, for example if it is 4pm, the values are 4 PM- 4 PM- 4PM. The average (color in dark green) shows the calculation of the last 168 hours (7 days). If indicated in red, there is a deviation from the averages, this threshold differs for each KPI and is explained on the Lely Horizon Help page.

In this article, we will provide an insight into the calculations behind the numbers on the Horizon dashboard with general information about the dashboard itself and elaborate on the Milk Yield parameters that can be found there.

KPI Calculations: the numbers explained

March 2024

Dashboard KPIs

When you open the Horizon app, you start on the dashboard, which provides a quick snapshot of the current farm’s performance. The dashboard is updated every 20 minutes to show the latest values. A KPI is presented in different ways: as the current value, the weekly average and a trend line. Here is a breakdown of where these values originate:

  • Current value: This indicates the KPIs performance over the past 24 hours since the last update (which is when the dashboard is opened and refreshed every 20 minutes).

  • Weekly average: This indicates the KPIs performance over the past 168 hours (equal to 7 days) since the last update (this is when the dashboard is opened and refreshed every 20 minutes).

  • Trend line: The trend line shows the values of the past 7 days per 24 hours (00: to 00:00), excluding today's value, which reflects the past 24 hours to today (the same as the current value). Keep in mind that updating KPIs starts at 00:00, and then updates each KPI one by one, therefore some KPIs are updated at 00:07 and others are 00:01, but the time interval is always 24 hours, so from 00:07-00:07 or 00:01-00:01.