health task

To make use of treatment plans the farmer must first register a medicine and then create a treatment plan in Horizon, all of which can be done through the Health settings page, which is accessible from the health dashboard. After adding a medicine in the Medicine library, the farmer can create a treatment plan after consultation with the veterinarian. A treatment plan is linked to the Disease library, which contains an extensive list of diseases classified according to the official international ICAR code.
After entering a health treatment, all the actions to be performed appear at the right time in the Health treatment task and later they are shown in Report 14 – Health Treatment Tasks. Horizon can use the entered data to generate analysis reports related to health treatments and medicines administered, such as the Report 63. In addition, a Dry off treatment analysis page is available on the reports tab, showing the effectiveness of the applied dry-off protocols on SCC.

These established protocols are intended to help the farmers follow a step-by-step approach, reducing the risk of errors and omissions and increasing peace of mind. The new menu structure of Horizon will allow the introduction of a dedicated health dashboard. A health analysis widget shows the incidence of the most occurring diseases in a reference period compared to last year and links to an incidence analysis page where the results can be filtered per disease category, disease name, treatment plan, number and stage of lactation. The graph shows monthly incidences sorted by the desired criteria, and it is possible to directly retrieve the list of all treated animals in a certain month based on the selected filters. In order to have reliable data shown on analysis pages and in reports, it is important to enter data on applied health treatments correctly and consistently in Horizon.
This way, the farmer is provided with information that can also be very valuable for advisors and experts such as the veterinarian, as they can more easily identify potential attention and improvement points regarding the health status of the herd.

Healthy cows are essential for good milk production. In some cases, some cows require administration of medicines as part of a treatment plan prescribed by the veterinarian. When medicines require a withdrawal period for milk and/or meat, it is crucial that the related health treatments are registered correctly to prevent potential food safety issues. Horizon can help farmers keep track of all applied health treatments and medicine records, allowing them to create customized health treatment protocols. If necessary, the software will automatically separate milk for the necessary withdrawal time according to the selected treatment plan and rinse the milking system to eliminate any possible residues.
October 2024
& treatment plans:
best practice

health task

To make use of treatment plans the farmer must first register a medicine and then create a treatment plan in Horizon, all of which can be done through the Health settings page, which is accessible from the health dashboard. After adding a medicine in the Medicine library, the farmer can create a treatment plan after consultation with the veterinarian. A treatment plan is linked to the Disease library, which contains an extensive list of diseases classified according to the official international ICAR code.
After entering a health treatment, all the actions to be performed appear at the right time in the Health treatment task and later they are shown in Report 14 – Health Treatment Tasks. Horizon can use the entered data to generate analysis reports related to health treatments and medicines administered, such as the Report 63. In addition, a Dry off treatment analysis page is available on the reports tab, showing the effectiveness of the applied dry-off protocols on SCC.

These established protocols are intended to help the farmers follow a step-by-step approach, reducing the risk of errors and omissions and increasing peace of mind. The new menu structure of Horizon will allow the introduction of a dedicated health dashboard. A health analysis widget shows the incidence of the most occurring diseases in a reference period compared to last year and links to an incidence analysis page where the results can be filtered per disease category, disease name, treatment plan, number and stage of lactation. The graph shows monthly incidences sorted by the desired criteria, and it is possible to directly retrieve the list of all treated animals in a certain month based on the selected filters. In order to have reliable data shown on analysis pages and in reports, it is important to enter data on applied health treatments correctly and consistently in Horizon.
This way, the farmer is provided with information that can also be very valuable for advisors and experts such as the veterinarian, as they can more easily identify potential attention and improvement points regarding the health status of the herd.
treatment plans:
best practice
October 2024
Healthy cows are essential for good milk production. In some cases, some cows require administration of medicines as part of a treatment plan prescribed by the veterinarian. When medicines require a withdrawal period for milk and/or meat, it is crucial that the related health treatments are registered correctly to prevent potential food safety issues. Horizon can help farmers keep track of all applied health treatments and medicine records, allowing them to create customized health treatment protocols. If necessary, the software will automatically separate milk for the necessary withdrawal time according to the selected treatment plan and rinse the milking system to eliminate any possible residues.