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Health & Safety



Lely is a family business rooted in family values. We take care of our 2,500 employees, our customers around the globe and the communities in which we operate. People are at the heart of our business, and we see it as our duty to contribute to their well-being. As an employer, we act on our mission and vision to create a strong sense of purpose. We provide employees with opportunities for personal and professional development, and by supporting initiatives designed to empower the next generation of innovators, we not only ‘pay it forward’ based on our company's success, but also share our passion for sustainable, profitable an enjoyable farming – now and in the future. 

Social contributions

A concrete way to enhance the sustainability of our procurement activities is to look for value-sourcing opportunities to meet common procurement needs.  

Triple win through value sourcing

 By using self-generated electricity for the heating and cooling of our building, we have reduced our natural gas consumption. 

Reducing natural gas consumption

To further reduce our CO2 emissions we started a pilot with an electric service van in France.

Switch to electric service van

We will continue to focus on improving the quality of data during 2024. The remaining relevant scope 3 categories will be added to our calculations. We will develop a climate reduction target and an action plan for scope 3 in 2024, alongside the current scope 1 and 2 ambitions. The most important scope 3 categories will also be addressed in our circularity programme. In 2024, we will launch an implementation plan with activities at a departmental level, and organise our first Circularity week in March.

By involving our Clusters and Centers more actively, we aim for an additional push to reduce emissions. In addition, our procurement department will focus on engaging suppliers in our sustainability goals, so we can work towards a sustainable supply chain together. 


Circularity is one of the three ambitions of the Lely Sustainability program within the Bright Business pillar. Our circular activities in 2023 were based on three activity streams: 

1. Organisation and change  
We focused on raising and increasing awareness of the circularity strategy and roadmap. To enhance circular capacities and reduce the environmental impact of our solutions at our Product Development department, we organised a Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) training session. 

2. Data and Governance  
We started an internal data project, ‘Material Inflow’, in which we connect the different source systems with the aim of generating automatic reports on our material inflow. â€¯

3. Goal specific activities and quick wins 
One example of an activity to promote circularity is the redesign of the Brush Unit in the Astronaut A5. Previously, whenever any element of this unit failed, the whole unit had to be replaced. By applying modularity, the engineer redesigned the Brush Unit so only the broken part needed to be replaced and not the entire unit. 

LEly CO2 footprint IN 2023


7.303 tonnes CO2-eq
(+7% vs. 2022)


261 tonnes CO2-eq
(+5% vs. 2022)


233 tonnes CO2-eq
(-21% vs. 2022)


5.312 tonnes CO2-eq
(+2% vs. 2022)


1.418 tonnes CO2-eq
(+36% vs. 2022)

Emissions in tonnes CO2-eq

Our CO2 reduction path

To achieve our ambition, we focus on the following topics:

Energy management at Lely Campus Maassluis, NL
In 2023, we expanded our solar production installation to the maximum capacity of 3,962 solar panels on the roof of the car park. These produce ca 1.045 MWh a year, of which we use almost 90% ourselves. This means that 22% of our energy use is produced on site (2022: 13%). 

Company and lease cars
A new leasing policy for passenger cars was introduced as of 1 July 2023, valid for Lely Campus and the Dutch Lely Centers in Heerenveen and Zevenbergen. The policy states that only electric vehicles will be used as new passenger lease cars for these entities. 

This led to the proportion of EV passenger vehicles being 35% in 2023 (2022: 25%). On our total car fleet, the proportion of EV is 17% (2022: 14%).

Business flights
In October 2023, we implemented a new booking tool to support sustainable travelling choices. We also plan to introduce a new travel policy, including a CO2 travel wallet, in 2024. A communication plan will be implemented to encourage the adoption of the new policy. 

CO2 compensation 
In addition to reducing CO2 emissions, we took measures to offset all emissions from our scope 1, 2 and Business Flights in 2023. We did this by purchasing Carbon Removal Units (CRUs) through Acorn, an initiative of Rabobank. Each CRU represents one ton of CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere. Over 2023, we offset approximately 7,300 tons of CO2 equivalents. 

Despite our plans and efforts to reduce our emissions, we see our emissions increasing in line with our sales growth. This increase is explained by the growth of our installed base and in consequence the increase in our services. In the coming years we will need to push forward on our ambition to reduce CO2.

Our decarbonisation path

In April 2022, we formulated our Lely CO2 ambition: Lely has committed to becoming CO2-neutral in its own operations by 2030. This means 100% reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions and a relative reduction of 50% on business flights. During covid, our emissions went down drastically. As a result, after resuming regular operations, we see an increase in emissions. We are a growing company and the emissions involved are still growing with it at the moment. Through our action plan measures, we aim to mitigate this and achieve our Lely CO2 ambition:

  • Switch to green electricity in all our facilities by 2027

  • Complete the gas phase-out in our facilities by 2030

  • Have a zero-fossil fleet in 2030

  • Fly 50% less (on our projected emissions for 2030)

Sustainablility program

In the years to come, we will continue to innovate to help solve the major challenges of dairy farming. To do so in a sustainable manner, we have defined a sustainability program.

Our sustainability program is built on two pillars: 

Bright Business is about how we act and work as a company. We recognise that achieving our mission starts with our own business activities and operations. Our Bright Business ambitions are:

  • CO2 – becoming CO2-neutral for our own operations by 2030 and setting clear scope 3 targets 

  • Circularity â€“ striving for a circular product lifecycle 

  • Sourcing â€“ sourcing responsibly and focusing on both environmental and social impacts in our supply chain. 

Bright Farming is about having a positive impact on dairy farming. We aim to make positive contributions to the sector with our solutions and through our business activities. Our Bright Farming ambitions are:

  • For the cow â€“ to contribute to improving animal welfare on dairy farms 

  • For the people â€“ to facilitate the enhancement of well-being for people in every part of the dairy chain 

  • For the planet â€“ to make possible the reversal of environmental impacts in every part of the dairy chain. 

At Lely, we are on a journey to help farmers meet their needs and realise the potential of dairy in a sustainable, profitable and enjoyable way. This has been our driving force since 1948. As farming innovators, we constantly strive for change and drive progress, particularly in the field of sustainability and sustainable food production. 

dairy production
in sustainable
Support farmers


7.303 tonnes CO2-eq
(+7% vs. 2022)


261 tonnes CO2-eq
(+5% vs. 2022)


233 tonnes CO2-eq
(-21% vs. 2022)


5.312 tonnes CO2-eq
(+2% vs. 2022)


1.418 tonnes CO2-eq
(+36% vs. 2022)

Lely CO2 footprint in 2023

What's next?
Social contributions

Lely is a family business rooted in family values. We take care of our 2,500 employees, our customers around the globe and the communities in which we operate. People are at the heart of our business, and we see it as our duty to contribute to their well-being. As an employer, we act on our mission and vision to create a strong sense of purpose. We provide employees with opportunities for personal and professional development, and by supporting initiatives designed to empower the next generation of innovators, we not only ‘pay it forward’ based on our company's success, but also share our passion for sustainable, profitable an enjoyable farming – now and in the future. 


Health & Safety



A concrete way to enhance the sustainability of our procurement activities is to look for value-sourcing opportunities to meet common procurement needs.  

Triple win through value sourcing

 By using self-generated electricity for the heating and cooling of our building, we have reduced our natural gas consumption. 

Reducing natural gas consumption

To further reduce our CO2 emissions we started a pilot with an electric service van in France.

Switch to electric service van

We will continue to focus on improving the quality of data during 2024. The remaining relevant scope 3 categories will be added to our calculations. We will develop a climate reduction target and an action plan for scope 3 in 2024, alongside the current scope 1 and 2 ambitions. The most important scope 3 categories will also be addressed in our circularity programme. In 2024, we will launch an implementation plan with activities at a departmental level, and organise our first Circularity week in March.

By involving our Clusters and Centers more actively, we aim for an additional push to reduce emissions. In addition, our procurement department will focus on engaging suppliers in our sustainability goals, so we can work towards a sustainable supply chain together. 



Circularity is one of the three ambitions of the Lely Sustainability program within the Bright Business pillar. Our circular activities in 2023 were based on three activity streams: 

1. Organisation and change  
We focused on raising and increasing awareness of the circularity strategy and roadmap. To enhance circular capacities and reduce the environmental impact of our solutions at our Product Development department, we organised a Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) training session. 

2. Data and Governance  
We started an internal data project, ‘Material Inflow’, in which we connect the different source systems with the aim of generating automatic reports on our material inflow. â€¯

3. Goal specific activities and quick wins 
One example of an activity to promote circularity is the redesign of the Brush Unit in the Astronaut A5. Previously, whenever any element of this unit failed, the whole unit had to be replaced. By applying modularity, the engineer redesigned the Brush Unit so only the broken part needed to be replaced and not the entire unit. 

Our CO2 reduction path

To achieve our ambition, we focus on the following topics:

Energy management at Lely Campus Maassluis, NL
In 2023, we expanded our solar production installation to the maximum capacity of 3,962 solar panels on the roof of the car park. These produce ca 1.045 MWh a year, of which we use almost 90% ourselves. This means that 22% of our energy use is produced on site (2022: 13%). 

Company and lease cars
A new leasing policy for passenger cars was introduced as of 1 July 2023, valid for Lely Campus and the Dutch Lely Centers in Heerenveen and Zevenbergen. The policy states that only electric vehicles will be used as new passenger lease cars for these entities. 

This led to the proportion of EV passenger vehicles being 35% in 2023 (2022: 25%). On our total car fleet, the proportion of EV is 17% (2022: 14%).

Business flights
In October 2023, we implemented a new booking tool to support sustainable travelling choices. We also plan to introduce a new travel policy, including a CO2 travel wallet, in 2024. A communication plan will be implemented to encourage the adoption of the new policy. 

CO2 compensation 
In addition to reducing CO2 emissions, we took measures to offset all emissions from our scope 1, 2 and Business Flights in 2023. We did this by purchasing Carbon Removal Units (CRUs) through Acorn, an initiative of Rabobank. Each CRU represents one ton of CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere. Over 2023, we offset approximately 7,300 tons of CO2 equivalents. 

Despite our plans and efforts to reduce our emissions, we see our emissions increasing in line with our sales growth. This increase is explained by the growth of our installed base and in consequence the increase in our services. In the coming years we will need to push forward on our ambition to reduce CO2.

Our decarbonisation path

In April 2022, we formulated our Lely CO2 ambition: Lely has committed to becoming CO2-neutral in its own operations by 2030. This means 100% reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions and a relative reduction of 50% on business flights. During covid, our emissions went down drastically. As a result, after resuming regular operations, we see an increase in emissions. We are a growing company and the emissions involved are still growing with it at the moment. Through our action plan measures, we aim to mitigate this and achieve our Lely CO2 ambition:

  • Switch to green electricity in all our facilities by 2027

  • Complete the gas phase-out in our facilities by 2030

  • Have a zero-fossil fleet in 2030

  • Fly 50% less (on our projected emissions for 2030)

Sustainablility program

In the years to come, we will continue to innovate to help solve the major challenges of dairy farming. To do so in a sustainable manner, we have defined a sustainability program.

Our sustainability program is built on two pillars: 

1. Bright Business is about how we act and work as a company. We recognise that achieving our mission starts with our own business activities and operations. Our Bright Business ambitions are:

  • CO2 – becoming CO2-neutral for our own operations by 2030 and setting clear scope 3 targets 

  • Circularity â€“ striving for a circular product lifecycle 

  • Sourcing â€“ sourcing responsibly and focusing on both environmental and social impacts in our supply chain. 

2. Bright Farming is about having a positive impact on dairy farming. We aim to make positive contributions to the sector with our solutions and through our business activities. Our Bright Farming ambitions are:

  • For the cow â€“ to contribute to improving animal welfare on dairy farms 

  • For the people â€“ to facilitate the enhancement of well-being for people in every part of the dairy chain 

  • For the planet â€“ to make possible the reversal of environmental impacts in every part of the dairy chain. 

At Lely, we are on a journey to help farmers meet their needs and realise the potential of dairy in a sustainable, profitable and enjoyable way. This has been our driving force since 1948. As farming innovators, we constantly strive for change and drive progress, particularly in the field of sustainability and sustainable food production. 

Support farmers
in sustainable dairy production