
Our ambitions are centered around farmers’ needs, to keep their business running smoothly and help them reach their goals. That is why we explore the (preferably latent) needs of our customers continuously. It helps us to understand their challenges, to provide the right service and solutions, and add value. We aim for long lasting, well aligned and mutually productive cooperation with our customers. To accomplish this, we continuously optimise our processes, systems and products.

New packaging focusses on safety
Lely's consumables and wear part products have undergone a rebranding. The new packaging design focuses on clear communication of product information. And emphasises safe working with chemicals by updating the colour-coding.

What we achieved in 2020
Enhance customer

Service optimisation
In line with our strategy, we have transferred the Order Desk Consumables from Synerlogic, in Duiven, to the Customer Service Desk (CSD), at Lely International. To provide our customers with the best possible service, we continually strive to realise maximum value by running our Lely Center network as efficiently as possible. Our customers now only have one single point of contact for ordering Lely products, and addressing queries or complaints.

Set our service engineers up for success
We value our network of over 2,000 service engineers worldwide and know their job can be challenging, often working alone and in irregular shifts. And also under pressure, they keep the farms of our customers running 24/7, because they can’t keep the cows waiting. We support them in any way we can and set up a programme to help to diagnose and solve the technical challenges faster and better. One of the tools we are developing and testing in a pilot is a troubleshooting application. By answering some questions, the service engineer is guided to potential root causes and solutions. Our service engineers’ input was used to develop this app. This project is part of our servitisation programme.


‘Lely’s 24/7 hotline to a dealer is really helpful. We can ask any question, or ask for help, in order to understand the operation of the equipment, reports in the management system, and so on. This contact and support are as valuable to me as Lely’s solutions for milking itself, because managing the herd competently is vital. 

When we made the transition to robotic milking, the Lely Center helped us to retain our ‘problem’ cows. Just two out of 430 cows ‘couldn’t make friends’ with the robots. This is an amazing result when you consider that we didn’t make any advanced preparations for the system change.'

Danila Kozlov
Farm manager ZAO ‘Sovkhoz 
imeni Lenina’ (Russia) 

Valuable contact
and support
Key fact
is the rating our farmers gave to Lely Centers for the relationship and personal contact they have with them. This number has grown, year-on-year, from 6.9 in 2017.

The service for our customers is key and has always been supporting us to get the best out of our solutions. Service is more than just maintenance, it enables us to truly add value for our customers. It is about being proactive, understanding the needs of the customer and providing the right advice and management support. As our customers are central to our business and our success, we will be focusing more on our servitisation journey. With increasing attention for service, maintenance and consumables next to our solutions.

Next steps

Enhance customer

Our ambitions are centered around farmers’ needs, to keep their business running smoothly and help them reach their goals. That is why we explore the (preferably latent) needs of our customers continuously. It helps us to understand their challenges, to provide the right service and solutions, and add value. We aim for long lasting, well aligned and mutually productive cooperation with our customers. To accomplish this, we continuously optimise our processes, systems and products.

New packaging focusses on safety
Lely's consumables and wear part products have undergone a rebranding. The new packaging design focuses on clear communication of product information. And emphasises safe working with chemicals by updating the colour-coding.

What we achieved in 2020
Enhance customer

Service optimisation
In line with our strategy, we have transferred the Order Desk Consumables from Synerlogic, in Duiven, to the Customer Service Desk (CSD), at Lely International. To provide our customers with the best possible service, we continually strive to realise maximum value by running our Lely Center network as efficiently as possible. Our customers now only have one single point of contact for ordering Lely products, and addressing queries or complaints.

Set our service engineers up for success
We value our network of over 2,000 service engineers worldwide and know their job can be challenging, often working alone and in irregular shifts. And also under pressure, they keep the farms of our customers running 24/7, because they can’t keep the cows waiting. We support them in any way we can and set up a programme to help to diagnose and solve the technical challenges faster and better. One of the tools we are developing and testing in a pilot is a troubleshooting application. By answering some questions, the service engineer is guided to potential root causes and solutions. Our service engineers’ input was used to develop this app. This project is part of our servitisation programme.


‘Lely’s 24/7 hotline to a dealer is really helpful. We can ask any question, or ask for help, in order to understand the operation of the equipment, reports in the management system, and so on. This contact and support are as valuable to me as Lely’s solutions for milking itself, because managing the herd competently is vital. 

When we made the transition to robotic milking, the Lely Center helped us to retain our ‘problem’ cows. Just two out of 430 cows ‘couldn’t make friends’ with the robots. This is an amazing result when you consider that we didn’t make any advanced preparations for the system change.'

Danila Kozlov
Farm manager ZAO 
‘Sovkhoz imeni Lenina’

Valuable contact
and support
Key fact
is the rating our farmers gave to Lely Centers for the relationship and personal contact they have with them. This number has grown, year-on-year, from 6.9 in 2017.

The service for our customers is key and has always been supporting us to get the best out of our solutions. Service is more than just maintenance, it enables us to truly add value for our customers. It is about being proactive, understanding the needs of the customer and providing the right advice and management support. As our customers are central to our business and our success, we will be focusing more on our servitisation journey. With increasing attention for service, maintenance and consumables next to our solutions.

Next steps